This 114 page scholar guide includes everything a scholar will need to succeed in Mission: Hero Part 2. The guide includes contains the
class requirements list, weekly scholar challenges, explanations of the
assignments, WWII timeline, book dossiers, primary source study pages,
multiple worksheets, maps, and more.
Using the guide scholars will work to complete the following
class requirements:
Book and Book Dossiers
-All Quiet on the Western Front by
Erich Maria Remarque*
-Children of the Dust Bowl by
Jerry Stanley
-The Boy on the Wooden Box by Leon Leyson
-The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom
-Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
-Hiroshima by John Hersey
-Seven Miracles That Saved America by
Chris Stewart and Ted Stewart (Chapters 6 and 7)
*no book dossier required
Primary Source Studies
-“In Flander’s Field” by John McRae*
-Fireside Chat from Franklin D.
-The Six Leaflets of the White Rose Society
Shall Fight on the Beaches speech by Winston Churchill
Speech by Franklin D. Roosevelt
D. Eisenhower’s Letter to the Troops on D-Day
Announcing the Use of the A-Bomb at Hiroshima by Harry S. Truman
Rescript on Surrender by Emperor Hirohito
Down This Wall speech by Ronald Reagan
study page required
at least one devotional and Hero Journey Investigation
and revise a persuasive essay
three selected quotes
two WWII movies (per mentor approval)
vocabulary assignment
timeline assignment
Hero Stories assignment
Community Hero Project and report to the class
participate in the Nuremberg Court Trial simulation
participate in a team debate
notetaking exercises on WWII leaders and lectures
will also participate in an Oxford-style team debate, war crime court
simulation, class discussions, and multiple class simulations, including D-Day
and the attack on Pearl Harbor.
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