Homeschool Teacher’s Guide to Navigating the Epidemic of Bullying in Today’s Society



We hope that you enjoy the 1.5-hour replay of this fantastic presentation by Candice Duggar! This recording can be shown in a group setting and is perfect to use as a teacher or parent training.

Along with the recording, you will receive links to additional resources that can help with bullying in the classroom or at home.  Please note that some of the links lead you to anti-bullying curriculum that must be purchased.























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Candice Dugger is a nationally recognized anti-bullying expert. Her life-changing programs use interactive activities and projects to motivate groups to be effective anti-bullying warriors. She equips leaders, parents, and youth on all aspects of Gen Z bullying. Candice is a sought-after speaker, business coach, leadership trainer, and homeschool mentor.

After years of building a successful career, leading multi-million dollar teams, and thriving in the board room – Candice came home to save her son’s life. Now, she’s using the same tools and methods that not only saved her son but helped him thrive and strengthened their family, to help other families transform their lives too.

Candice is the founder of Bullied, Broken, Redeemed, co-founder of Kids Business Academy, and Vice President of ReImagine Education Conference. She is a nationally recognized anti-bullying expert, author, speaker, and trainer, specializing in helping families find HOPE and Healing at home. Candice has been featured on several networks nationally and internationally, including NBC, ABC, CBN, Family Research Council, over 100 podcasts and shows, and is a recognized trainer for Fortune 100 companies. She is a popular speaker for US and international conferences covering the topics of youth entrepreneurship, the public school to homeschool transition, and overcoming bullying in our culture.

Candice’s philosophy of Mental Health before Math, Character before Curriculum, and Relationships before Reading has helped thousands of families transition from traditional schooling to homeschooling and empowered them to find HOPE and healing – at home.


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